Wednesday, 3 July 2013
How to Train a Dog
Pick a dog that matches your lifestyle. Many people choose dogs that are "cute" or "funny". Or purchase them on a whim. But that is not a good way to choose a pet. A dog, depending on the breed, can be a 15 year relationship. You want to be sure that the temperament of your dog matches your lifestyle. So do your research and be honest about what kind of activity level you have in your life. Don't get a dog that needs a lot of activity because you need a reason to take a walk and lose some weight. You and the dog will end up frustrated.
It is easier to start from scratch. Rescue dogs are great but often times they have already developed bad habits and require a lot more training. Dogs that have spend the majority of their life in a pound or kennel may take much longer to bond with humans and some may never fully become part of the "pack". Pound and rescue dogs may have been victims of abuse or neglect and may not trust humans or may exhibit a lot of undesirable behaviors early on. If you are inexperienced or do not have a lot of time to devote to training, starting with a puppy may be a much better option.
Plan to devote 10-15 minutes every day to training. This is all it takes to train a dog. Any longer and your dog will become tired and resentful. Any less and they will not retain the information as well.
Establish who in the family is going to be the trainer. Dogs are pack animals and take direction only from the pack leader. A pack can only have one leader. Determine who will be responsible for the dogs training and do not let anyone else teach the dog anything new until they have mastered the basics.
Give the dog a name that is practical. The experts say that a dog's name should end in a vowel because it is easier for them to understand. Don't make it too fancy or long or the dog might not know you are talking to it. Use the dog's name often when you are petting it and when you are feeding it. Do not use it as part of teaching them a new command or they may associate their name with that command instead. Use their name when you want their attention. Train them to look at your face by saying their name and gently turning their face up toward yours. When you are training it is important that they have all their attention on you. Calling their name should mean "look at the pack leader".
Share your training rules with the rest of the family. If you are training your dog not to jump on people and the kids let the dog jump all over them, this will undermine your training work. Once you have established your expectations with the dog, they need to be reinforced by everyone consistently but again, no one except the "pack leader" should ever train the dog.
Your first training should be learning to sleep in a crate. You may think it's cruel but in fact, dogs are den animals. They actually enjoy sleeping in a crate. When they are puppies, keep the crate very small so they cannot relieve themselves in it (animals generally will not relieve themselves where they sleep or eat). As they become housebroken, get them a crate that is comfortable and place it somewhere near where the family is. Keep the crate wherever the designated "pack leader" sleeps. Forcing a dog to sleep away from his "pack" confuses him and makes him think he has done something wrong. Do not let the dog sleep in the bed with you until you have fully trained them to sleep in a crate. Breaking a dog of sleeping on the bed, once they are in that habit is almost impossible. Train your dog to use the crate by putting them in there for a few minutes at a time several times during the day, gradually increasing the time they spend in there until they are assured that you are eventually going to come and let them out.
'Second lesson should be how to walk on a lead/leash. This is important,especially if you do not have an enclosed yard. Your dog should understand that when they go outside, they are expected to behave while on the leash. There are many books and videos on training dogs to help you learn how to do this.
The third training lesson should be "whoa" or "stop." or whatever you want to use as a command for your dog to stop moving. This command is VERY important as it could save your dog's life. Do not rely on calling their name as a command to get them to stop. There may be times when you do not want them to come to you but instead stay right where they are. If you call their name, they may think you want them to come. Some sort of stopping command should be taught even before "come". There are many videos and books that can help you with this training.
Keep in mind that all dogs have different temperaments. Just like kids, different breeds learn differently and at different rates. Some dogs are stubborn and will challenge you at every turn. Others will just about bend over backwards to please you. You may need to adjust your training techniques to meet the need of your dogs temperament. This is another good reason why you should research a breed before you purchase or adopt a dog to be sure you can handle them.
Always reward success and good behavior with praise. I don't recommend using "treats" as a reward for training as it teaches them to work for the treat, not for your praise. If no treat is offered when they perform, they will become confused but praise can always be given.
Determine a "release" command for ending training. When you are done training (and ended on a positive note) give your dog a command that signals you are finished. But make sure it's not a common word. We made the mistake of using "okay" as a release command with our first dog and every time someone said it, she thought it was time to have fun and got all wound up!. Use a command like "Playtime" or "Recess" to let your dog know that the training part of the day is over and now they can just enjoy your company.
Always end your daily training sessions on a positive note. If you have been trying to teach them something new and they are just not getting it, review something that they already do well and then praise them for that and end the session. Your dog will look forward to the training sessions if you always end positively, regardless of the success of that lesson. Once the training is over, then it would be okay to give them "treats" or "cookies" as long as it's not as a reward for an accomplishment. If the dog barks at you, then turn around, ignore it for 30 secs and when it stops, reward it. If a dog jumps on you and does not stop after you say stop, turn and say no in a firm tone. Remember! Do not yell at a dog, it will not understand you and will continue to do the action, leading you to frustration.
This method can be applied whenever you go through a doorway with your dog. It doesn’t need to happen when you’re around and about in the house, but in very early puppy days or whenever, if your dog is following around you, you can make the most of the opportunity, and apply this technique if you wish.
Walk to the door.
Before stepping through, turn and face your dog.
When they try to get past, block them with your legs and a dominating stance (standing up tall and straight, calm but confident).
Ask your dog to LISTEN. When they do, give another command (such as sit or lie down) (see Listen, if you are unsure on this step).
Gesture to them, to come through the threshold.
Always eat before your dog.
Make sure that they are aware you're doing this, if they are in another room a lot, and don’t see you eating. You can try putting them in the room you're eating in as well.
After you finish eating, make up their food.
If you dog is a very young puppy and has been taught no commands, just make sure that you give the food directly to them, and never leave it for them to find. As you give it to them, say TAKE IT (this command is an important part to many other exercises). When they finish, remove the bowl that the food is in, and put it somewhere they cannot see or get to.
Use it whenever you give your dog some food or a treat or a toy to play with.
If your dog is waiting for a treat or toy, this might be in a scenario you are using to teach your dog (such as throwing a treat, and making your dog wait patiently, before it is allowed to have it). TAKE IT should be used when you are happy that they can go and get it. It should also be used whenever you reward a dog for a command.
The LISTEN command is a very important command. It’s one of the first commands you should teach your dog. Use it to get your dog’s attention, so you can give them the next command.
Find a time when your dog is not under any commands (i.e. freely walking around, lying down or sniffing something.)
Get a handful of treats.
Stand near your dog. (If you can do this without distracting them, the technique will work even better. If not, don’t worry, but don’t engage with them; just stand looking a different direction, and they should lose interest.)
Say LISTEN in a firm voice (Do this as if you were calling a person's name, because you want to say something to them).
As soon as your dog responds, most likely they will look toward you and stop what they’re doing. Give them a treat (remember the ‘take it ‘ rule).
You will not need to continue rewarding with treats when they have learned listen, as they will soon realise that the treats come with the command or activity that follows the ‘listen’.
Use this command, whenever you want your dog to come to you.
Find a way to attract you dog’s attention, to make them run toward you. This can be a noise, a toy, an excited clap or simply opening your arms. Starting to run and then stopping can also work, as dogs will naturally start to chase.
When your dog starts to move towards you, give the command COME and repeat it until they reach you.
When they reach you, reward with either a treat or toy and a “Good dog”.
Give a release command, and walk away.
This is a simple method to get your dog into the sit position. After you are confident your dog knows what sit is, incorporate it into everyday life.
Get some food treats or a toy.
Call your dog to you.
When they get to you, tell them to LISTEN, and hold the toy or treat in view.
This can be achieved by moving the object the dog is focusing on (treat or toy), from in front of their nose to above the dogs head. They should naturally sit. If not, try patting or gently pressing the rear of their back.
When you dog starts to sit, say SIT, and repeat any number of times.
Reward your dog with the treat, or give them the toy to play with.
Give the release command, and walk away.
Lie Down
A simple method, much like the sit method, to get your dog to go and stay in the lying down position. After you are confident your dog knows what the command lie down is, incorporate it into the general exercises.
Get some food treats or a toy.
Call you dog to you.
When they get to you, tell them to LISTEN, and hold the toy or treat in view.
Use the treat or toy, to make your dog lie down. This can be achieved by moving the toy or treat onto the ground in front of the dog. Their head should follow it, and their body should follow shortly thereafter.
When they begin to LIE DOWN, give the command, and repeat it any number of times, keeping the treat on the ground at first. If you move it and the dog moves with it, bring it back down.
Reward the dog with the treat, or give them the toy to play with.
Give the release command and walk away.
A similar method adapted to get your dog to remain standing and not move. When your dog has learned it, incorporate it into the general exercises.
Get some tasty food treats or a toy.
Call you dog to you.
As they get to you, tell them to LISTEN, and hold the toy or treat in front of their face, at their nose height (if they sit, try again, but with the treat or toy slightly lower).
Give the command STAND or STAND STILL and repeat, keeping the treat still in front of their nose. If your dog tries to eat it or take it, close your hand and verbally object (you could shout "No!" firmly.) Re-open your hand, when they stop.
Reward the dog with the treat, or give them the toy to play with.
Give the release command, and walk away.
Edit Tips
Be consistent. Make sure the command and hand signal use is the same each time. 10-15 minutes per day every day is all it takes.
When your dog has mastered voice commands, consider adding hand signals to the command in your training as well. That way if they cannot hear you but they can see you, you can always keep control of your dog.
If using hand signals, be sure they are unique and distinct for the dog to see and differentiate
If your dog is disobedient, another good way to reprimand them is to isolate them from the rest of the "pack". Put them in their crate or kennel and ignore them. Isolation from the pack is dog language for "you've been bad and we don't like it". Your dog will understand it. They may even whine and howl but you have to ignore it. Think of it as a "time out" for your dog.
When using voice commands, use a firm voice. You mean for this dog to sit, so speak with meaning. Do not plead or whisper, the dog will think you are too timid to speak up and he will think HE is the dominant one, not you. Also, don't scream, the dog will think you are angry and become gradually frightened.
Don't let your dog do something bad too many times because they will get into a bad habit.
Realize that your puppy will have accidents. Don't overreact *Do not allow your dog to bite you, even playfully. This sets a bad precedent and it will be difficult for you to break them of this habit.
Reprimand your dog in the same manner that "mama dog" would. If they whine or bark when you don't want them to, use your hand over their muzzle and close their mouth. Then get close to their face and in a very low voice (like a growl) say "No", long and low so it sound almost like a growl. Mama dogs will do this with their mouths on the puppies muzzle to let them know they are not behaving. Dogs understand this. Yelling "no" and pointing at them means nothing to a dog. You might as well be saying "blah blah blah". Once they identify the low, growling "no" as negative, you can use it to reprimand them.
Remember that dogs do not communicate the same way humans do. It's up to you to learn their "language" not the other way around.
Do not let your dog "lean" on you either when you are standing up or sitting down. This is not a sign that they like you. This is a sign of dominance. You are the leader. Push them off if they do this.
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Edit Warnings
Training dogs requires a large amount of patience, and can be extremely frustrating if you do not make the right choice for your skill level and lifestyle. If you find you have made a poor choice, find a new home for the dog as soon as possible. Call your local rescue organization or vet. Don't wait until you and the dog have suffered If you just don't have the patience, then either refine your training skills and techniques, or hire a professional to train your dog.
Don't be cruel to your dog or hit them. If you strike your dog out of frustration, it will only learn to fear you.
Clean up after your dog if they relieve themselves on someone else's property or in a public place. Doing this will ensure that others enjoy your dog as much as you do.
Don't feed your dog junk food. Stick to food made especially for dogs. Table scraps are okay if they are healthy food and if you reduce amount of dog food you feed them. Dry dog kibble is better than wet food. It keeps their teeth clean and their breath more tolerable. You can use wet food as a treat or mix it with the dry in small amounts.
Having a dog requires almost as much responsibility as a child. If you're not ready for that, don't get one.
Use a collar and leash that is appropriate to your dogs size. Too loose or too tight collars can cause injury.
Keep regular vet visits, stay up to date on shots, keep current on your city or town's license requirements and have your pet spayed or neutered as soon as they are old enough.
Regular exercise for your dog will prevent them from being destructive in your home. Dogs get bored. When they get bored, they find ways to "entertain" themselves. That may include chewing your favorite shoes (yes, it's happened to me...several times) or destroying furniture or barking incessantly. Avoid this problem by taking them for regular walks (twice a day is best). And it's good for you too!
Obedience training really is not for the's for YOU. This training teaches you how to communicate what you want your dog to do in a way that he understands. If you send your dog to someone else to train them, they learn to work with that person, not you. Take the time to learn how to train your dog, don't pass the responsibility off to someone else.
Praise your dog often.
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